PICS Belgium

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Our main objective is to spread the skills, methodologies and know-how to enhance professionalism of supply chain management in general. Through regular networking events, seminars, webinars and company visits with peers you will expand the expertise and reach of your company and your talent.
Apply now and enjoy immediately all member benefits such as free access to the yearly PICS Supply Chain Professional event, company visits & webinars!
Become a member of PICS Belgium and enjoy all these benefits:
• Personal, free access to all PICS membership activities, such as company visits, Supply Chain Cafés, webinars and the annual Supply Chain Professional Reunion.
• Discounts for participation in other PICS activities, such as seminars and training courses.
• Free subscription to the complete Value Chain Information package
• A subscription to SCM Now – the Official digital Magazine of ASCM
• ASCM membership, which gives access to the ASCM knowledge center and APICS website.


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Logo Logistic & Industrial Build

17 - 18 - 19

Antwerp expo